Browse the catalogue: [ results 721 to 768 of 1207 ]
painting (563)
drawing (575)
print (38)

selected works:
date range:
1910–19 (194)
1920–29 (284)
1930–39 (350)
1940–49 (230)
1950–59 (92)
1960–69 (51)
undated (1)
Sort by:   catalogue number   |   date
Vulliet House, 1946 (485)
Elizabeth Elsa, 1946 (482)
A Bouquet, 1945 (481)
Hall House, 1945 (480)
Shirley, 1945 (478)
Woods, Cove Road, 1945 (476)
Inlet Beach, 1945 (473)
Studio Exterior, 1945 (471)
Beach, Nantucket, 1945 (468)
Eve, 1945 (467)
Half Melon, 1945 (465)
A Soldier, 1945 (464)
Cairo Conference, 1944 (463)
Denise, 1944 (462)
Arthur T. Hopkins, 1944 (460)
Ruin at Daphne, 1943–53 (459)
Great Island, 1943 (458)
View Toward Cove, 1943 (455)
Calla Lily, 1943 (453)
Helen, 1943 (452)
Carol Wolf, 1942–43 (449)
Cove Anchorage, 1942 (445)
Edith Kramer, 1942 (444)
Nina's Marsh, 1942 (440)