Browse the catalogue: [ results 97 to 144 of 1207 ]
painting (563)
drawing (575)
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selected works:
date range:
1910–19 (194)
1920–29 (284)
1930–39 (350)
1940–49 (230)
1950–59 (92)
1960–69 (51)
undated (1)
Sort by:   catalogue number   |   date
Dur yol cu, 1960 (1112)
Bow, M/V Hollandia, 1960 (1110)
Gibraltar, 1960 (1108)
Gibraltar and Stromboli, 1959–64 (1107)
Pico, Azores, 1959 (1104)
Nervi, 1959 (1102)
Pisa and Fédela, 1959 (1100)
Tekla Torm, 1959 (1099)
Tekla Torm Porthole, 1959 (1096)
Smoke Stack with T, 1959 (1095)
Ships, Lisbon Harbor, 1959 (1092)
Window, Houston, 1958 (1090)
A Drawing Exercise, c.1957 (1089)
David Graham Baldwin, 1957 (1088)
The Mayflower II, 1957 (1085)
Through a Windshield, 1954 (1083)
Tower at Pier 99, 1952 (1078)
S/S Arosa Kulm, 1952 (1075)
Garden of the Cluny, 1952 (1072)
Nude and Ribera, 1952 (1071)
Nude, 1952 (1070)
Pech Merle Mammoth, 1952 (1068)
M/S Nelly, 1952 (1067)
Sheldrake House Yard, 1952 (1066)
Bird or 1948, 1951 (1065)