Edwin Dikinson
American Museum of Natural History
New York, NY
Pencil, and/or ink on paper
7 5/8 x 10 in. (19.4 x 25.4 cm) [?]
Inscribed, dated on left: "AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, New York 18
June 1926."
Numbered as though an upper right plate: "I"
drawing number at mid right: "W5"
fossils identified top, l-r: " X1 / Sheldrake 1926 Inside rock / atrypa reticularis (?) / Drift Brachiopod"
"x 3/8 / Homalonotus Dekayi Green / Devonian Hamilton Group / N.Y." "Conularia"
upper middle l-r: "(similar upper Heldenberg / group fnd [found] loose / 5 mi. S of OVID N.Y.) / X1 /
Calmania Limiluris Green / Nigina Shale N.Y.""ventral X1" "Dorsal X1 / Cephalon / Sheldrake 1926"
"Calymene Majarensis Hall / Majina. Shale (group) / Lockport N Y."
lower middle, l-r: " x 1/2 / Lichas, Boltoni Bigsby / Majina Group / Lockport N.Y.""x 1/3 / Favosites / Majina
Group "
bottom: "Illaenus Ioxus Hall / Majora Limestone / Lockport N.Y."
June 1926."
Numbered as though an upper right plate: "I"
drawing number at mid right: "W5"
fossils identified top, l-r: " X1 / Sheldrake 1926 Inside rock / atrypa reticularis (?) / Drift Brachiopod"
"x 3/8 / Homalonotus Dekayi Green / Devonian Hamilton Group / N.Y." "Conularia"
upper middle l-r: "(similar upper Heldenberg / group fnd [found] loose / 5 mi. S of OVID N.Y.) / X1 /
Calmania Limiluris Green / Nigina Shale N.Y.""ventral X1" "Dorsal X1 / Cephalon / Sheldrake 1926"
"Calymene Majarensis Hall / Majina. Shale (group) / Lockport N Y."
lower middle, l-r: " x 1/2 / Lichas, Boltoni Bigsby / Majina Group / Lockport N.Y.""x 1/3 / Favosites / Majina
Group "
bottom: "Illaenus Ioxus Hall / Majora Limestone / Lockport N.Y."
Location unknown
Photo: Anonymous (Copies of old images)
Drawn in New York, NY, June 17, 18 (journal) at the American Museum of Natural History.Provenance
sold by James Graham & Sons
Location unknown