Edwin Dickinson Chronology

June 29, 1882
Emma Sophia Carter marries  Rev. Edwin Henry Dickinson
1860 - 1903 1855 - 1951


Howard Carter, 1883–1935
Burgess, 1884–1913
Antoinette (Tibi), 1889–1968
Edwin Walter, 1891–1978


 1891 Edwin was born on October 11, in Seneca Falls, NY. Father is pastor of First Presbyterian Church there from January 1, 1889, until moving to Buffalo, Christmas Day, 1897. 


Summer at Interlaken, NY while cottage "Glen Eyrie" was being built in nearby Sheldrake.

1899 Celebration of paternal grandparents' golden wedding, August 14. All Dickinsons were there. In the 1890s Emma was often ill; in 1894 she spent some weeks at nearby Clifton Springs Sanatorium. In the fall of 1899, ED and his mother spent some months at a new health resort at Pinehurst, NC. ED was often with her, so his childhood schooling was very irregular.
1900 Summer in Sheldrake, and then Emma spends four months in Saranac Lake, at Dr.Trudeau's sanatorium, where she keeps a journal.
1901 January 29 to June, Emma again at Saranac Lake and ED and his sister in Seneca Falls April 1 - June. Summer in Sheldrake. Fall 1901 she and ED again at Clifton Springs and then to Pinehurst.
1902 ED and mother in Pinehurst for the winter. In May Emma returns to Clifton Springs.
1903 Winter of 1902-1903 Emma at Saranac Lake with ED who went to school there. March 10, with her husband and children present, Emma dies of tuberculosis of the bone. Burial March 13 in her father's plot, Pleasant Valley, CT.
1903–09 ED lives in Buffalo and attends the School of Practice of Buffalo State Normal School. In 1907 Burgess graduated from Yale's Sheffield School of Science, and Howard in 19 ?? from Hamilton College and then law school.
1909 ED appointed to United States Naval Academy. Leaves high school for Annapolis to prepare for formal entrance examinations, but fails in mathematics. In 1910 he is re-appointed and again fails mathematics.
1910 In summer in Asheville, NC with his father, he studies commercial art and right away knows he has found his future; a future as an artist, not commercial. October 31 he enters Pratt Institute, there drawing from life and the antique. He lives with his brothers in New York.
1911 In fall, he enters the Willliam Merritt Chase class at the Art Students League and also studies with F.V. du Mond. Studies briefly at Art School of National Academy of Design. At ASL and later in Hawthorne class in Provincetown he and Esther Hoyt of Buffalo become good friends. In 1915 she marries Ansley Wilcox Sawyer and together they become life-long friends and major patrons of ED.
1912 Receives honors in ASL spring concours of student work. June 6 Howard marries Marjorie Wellstead, (1883-1944). Summer, ED in Hawthorne class and fall in Chase class.
1913 He is in Chase's class and living with Burgess. January 28, after a visit from Howard and Tibi, Burgess jumps from his window and Edwin finds him dead in the courtyard below. He is too devastated to stay in New York and returns with his family to Buffalo and attends Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. Summer in Hawthorne class and he then decides to live year-round in Provincetown. There were only three other artists that next winter.
1914 June 24 his father marries Louise Henrietta Walbridge (Luty) (1876-1949). ED becomes Hawthorne's class assistant. Nephew, Howard Carter Jr. was born.
1915 Lives in Provincetown. January 27 begins daily journal (1st volume lost) which continues into 1972. He is a founder of the Provincetown Art Association. He learns Morse Code so as to have a "meal ticket" as a telegrapher.
1916 Lives in Provincetown except June 1-July 29 when he teaches a sketch class at the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. In 1916-1917 his Interior is at the Corcoran. It goes on to the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, the National Academy of Design, the Art Institute of Chicago, and Carnegie International in Pittsburgh. It is his first large piece (84x48") to be widely exhibited.
1917 March 1917, he moves to New York. His Two Figures 1916, is shown in the First Annual Exhibition of The Society of Independent Artists, and in 1920 in Paris in an exhibition representing the United Staates. He supports himself as a telegrapher at Western Union. Preferring the navy to the army, he enlists in Naval Reserve on December 12. Holidays with his family.
1918 January 9, he reports to Naval Training Station, Newport, RI. April 22 ordered to Nantucket Light Vessel, #85, (NLV), as 2nd radio operator until May 30. He was then a Radio School instructor, and on June 5 went to a minesweeper, U.S.S. Whitecap, as 2nd radio operator. July 27 to NLV again, relieved ca. September 7. In New Bedford when peace signed, November 11. From October 7 to November 15 he is on leave and goes to Sheldrake and other places. On November 15 he was again assigned to the NLV. On November 25 he learns from Howard that Herbert Groesbeck was killed near Verdun on November 1. He took Herbert's death hard. They were close friends as art students and ED was the best man at his and Amy's wedding. Throughout their lives, he visited Herbert's parents in New York and in 1944 took his children to meet them. They had a rare closeness and empathy and he spoke of him all his life.
1919 On January 8 he is on leave from the NLV In February he was sent to a minesweeper, and on July 19 was discharged from the Navy. He went immediately went to see Amy Groesbeck, then to Sheldrake on July 26th. He painted there in his father's study and on December 8 sails for France on La Touraine. Arrives LeHavre December 19, on to Paris. He sees his Two Figures, 1916, which invited by the French govement for exhibition at the Luxembourg, l' Exposition d'Artistes de l'Ecole Americain
1920 Settles in Paris. January 3 meets Dick (Richard) Parmenter at café Closerie de Lilas. Their friendship was probably the strongest of his life. He and Dick marked the anniversary every year. ED paints, makes friends, goes to cafés, visits museums, plays billiards, goes often to Concert Touche and Concert Prenez, [these concerts were held in cafés and often very good] sees the Parmenters, (Dick and his wife Belle (for Isabella), takes day trips and after March 10, draws often at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière. March 27 he goes to Verdun where he walks 12 kilometers in the moonlight to see Herbert's grave. March 30 to Paris then to Riviera, especially St. Tropez. March 18 he is in Madrid. April 26 a day in Toledo. By May 3 leaves Spain and in Paris on May 14. June 18 to (St. Quentin) to Kenneth Carter's grave (a cousin). June 26-July 3 in London, July 15 toLe Havre with RP. July 18 boards S S. Siamese Prince, arrives in Brooklyn, on August 4. August 7 to Provincetown and all his family is there. He rents Days Lumber Yard studio #1 for $50 a year. October 2, receives Herbert's Memorial. [?] ED's seven months abroad were funded in large part by the gift of Amy and Mr & Mrs. Groesbeck of a part of Herbert's army life insurance. He and Herbert had planned to go together to Paris in 1914. Herbert's was one of the great losses of ED's life; they were friends of a rare closeness.
1921 His father and Luty visit in June. Later he to Sheldrake and on August 22 goes to Seattle to make a propsal of marriage. She declines. Returns to Buffalo and Sheldrake and on September 21 he is in Provincetown. October 15 receives his final discharge from the Navy. December 21 he to New York, sees Howard and Groesbecks, then to his family in Geneva for Christmas.
1922 January 9 to Buffalo, where he paints portraits of the Hoyt/Sawyer families. On May 3 a telegram from the ASL offers him a teaching position for an evening life class next year. On June 3 he is discharged from Naval Reserve. Spends August in Sheldrake with Tibi, his father, Luty, and (briefly) Howard a He to New York October 1. October 6 he begins teaching at ASL and he continues to paint. November 28 Tibi comes and they to Geneva for Christmas. Returns to New York 28 December.
1923 He and Tibi in Provincetown. January 16 ASL teaching again. February 3-5 in Philadelphia for Pennsylvania Academy reception. March 9 he to the ASL Fakirs Ball. July 1 to Provincetown. August 25-29 sails to Gloucester with Dick Parmenter. Has a sketch class. October-13 he and Dick sail in Cape Cod Bay. October 24 he to Washington to begin the portrait of Charles Evans Hughes, then Secretary of State and Uncle of ED. Portrait not accepted. He is at Howard's in Glen Cove for Christmas and New Year's.
1924 Working in Provincetown. Tibi comes on February 18. March 4 he begins The Cello Player 5 x 4' and completes it August 27, 1926, in ??? sittings. July 8 he begins another month of cruising with RP, this time as paid crew on the "Yvonne." On September 1 he leaves the ship in Woods Hole and goes to Provincetown. Tibi has been living there and on October 19 their father and Luty come. December 31, party in the studio for cards and dancing.
1925 He and Tibi in Provincetown. To New York May 19, to Howard's in Tarrytown and May 28 to Sheldrake, Tibi & his father there. They to Boston & Provincetown on 16th. July 14 he has two students. July 23 starts putting up Tibi's house next to the studio and moved there by Cy Young. October 19 Tibi's house finished and she and their father arrive. to stay until November 10. December 31, they dance in the new year in the studio.
1926 He and Tibi in Provincetown. June 6 he New York and 20th on to Sheldrake. Much painting and a long visit with Tibi, his father, and Luty. August 4 to New York and 14 to Provincetown. On September 13 he meets Frances Foley, always called "Pat." On September 14 he to Sheldrake and Trumansburg for his father's installation in a new church on September 26. Returns to Provincetown, Tibi arrives November 10.
1927 He and Tibi often see the "Smooleys"; four writers living together; Edith Foley (Shay) [Pat's eldest sister], Katherine Smith (Dos Passos), her brother William Smith, Stella Roof, (called Nobby). He is often with the Smooleys and knowing Edith, often sees her sister, Pat. His father, Luty, and Tibi were there August 17-29, and on 23rd Howard and their cousin, C.E. Hughes, Jr. November 6-8 he & Sherwood (Pat's brother) hang his show in Springfield. On their return at a party given by Mrs. Foley, he and Pat declare their love. This date becomes the "kitchen stove" anniversary, always marked in his journal. December 7 Pat to Chicago to see friends (a long-standing plan). December 23 he to Trumansburg and Sheldrake.
1928 January 7 he in Buffalo to start AWS portrait. But he finds a portrait commission in Chicago and goes there by January 11. January 12 he and Pat are engaged. January 17 he begins the portrait, but it fails. February 9 Pat leaves for Florida, and he to Buffalo on February 18. March 9 he and Tibi to Provincetown. March 18, he is given the death mask of Beethoven, one of his most cherished possessions. He has some students and works on The Fossil Hunters. Pat stays in Florida so as not to distract him from finishing. August 21 Pat comes, and on 22nd her family. September 2 The Fossil Hunters, 1926–1928, is finished. It goes with Barbara Brown, 1926, and Church Tower, 1927, by invitation to the 1928 Carnegie International Exhibition. The Fossil Hunters, at 97 x 73", is his largest painting to date, and creates a furor by being mistakenly hung on its side. On September 26 and October 14 he talks with Mrs. Foley and the wedding date is set for October 31 in New York. Dick and Pat were married by his father, on October 31, at 6:00 pm in Hotel Brevoort. Only the Foleys and Dickinsons are present. After a wedding supper, hosted by Mrs. Foley, they take the midnight train "The Star" to Sheldrake. Howard had specially arranged for it to stop there. Pat and Dick spend the winter in the Sheldrake cottage with family visits to and from Trumansburg. Christmas and New Year's in Sheldrake. He and Pat both paint and take long walks on the lake ice, up the glen, along the lake. They see Dick's family often, neighbors, and friends of his youth.
1929 On April 23 they go to New York, and on 25th to Provincetown. Dick has summer teaching at the Provincetown Art Association. September 8, begins a seven-week beard. November 5 he is awarded the Second Altman Prize for Landscape by the National Academy of Design for The Fossil Hunters, 1926-1928. Again unwelcome publicity follows as the painting was hung upside down, despite the clear words "TOP" on its reverse. November 29 they go to New York, see friends and visit to Howard's in Tarrytown. The December 5 on to Trumansburg and Christmas at Sheldrake. December 30, he becomes a member of Grand Central Art Galleries, New York.
1930 In January they with his family to Trumansburg and on January 26 go to Buffalo. They stay at the Sawyers and he does the portrait drawings EHS has lined up for him. February 7 they return to Provincetown.
1931 In Provincetown, he has a class as he often does, especially in the summers. He visits a mortally ill friend, Florida Duncan. January 23 she knew them, on 24th she died. They decide to name any daughter for her. They to New York, then Trumansburg and Buffalo on February 2. February 19 Pat goes to Winter Park (her home in Florida) for the majority of her pregnancy. He stays in Buffalo to do drawn portraits. Pat, with her mother & sister, Isabel, arrive in Boston, on April 9. April 14 he in New York, then to Brookline April 16 to be with Pat in Brookline. Helen Florida was born in Cambridge, on May 16. He spends time with her and Pat and makes two drawings of them. He takes quick trips to Provincetown and Sheldrake and then goes with his father to Canada to try to find a new place to live. He has an idea he would like the north woods. He to Provincetown July 6, Pat & Helen come July 8. On September 14 they move to John Francis's apartment (577 Commercial st.) November 6 Henry Van Sickle comes and Tibi & Hank are married by her father, on November 12 at the studio at 46 Pearl Street.

Helen slept through it in a basket under the north light. November 29, Helen Florida was baptized by her grandfather in the apartment. He and Luty leave on December 1. ED is suffering back pain thought to be caused by sleeping in a hammock in the navy. For some years he wore a brace.
1932 In Provincetown, Pat studies histology with Fred Hammett. May 24-June 18 family rents a shack at Peaked Hill, overlooking the ocean, a favorite area for artists and writers. July 26 Patty Rich came. Patty was an orphan who as a young adolescent came lived with us part of each summer. August 23 started a beard. October 21 begins his evening class, with 19 students. November 10, his sailboat the "Response" was lost in a gale.
1933 Pat still studies histology. Some of her drawings were published in a book by Dr. Hammett. Patty Rich is there June 23-July 20. July 1 put a sign on house: "Drawings E W Dickinson $15 each." Some sold. July 28 family to Nantucket, Sister & Bill return with them for two days. August 30, Constant born, 5:00 P.M. at 256 Bradford St. Ten days later a discharge from Constant's left eye puts his eye in danger. With a nurse carrying the baby, Dick Parmenter immediately takes him to Boston Eye and Ear Hospital. Progress is slow and waiting hard but the physician agrees to send them a postcard each day. September 15 ED goes to see him. Helen (called Honey) spends nights at her grandmother's. June 23 - July 20 Patty Rich there. On September 27 his left eye healed but his right eye is now endangered. October 16 he is well and ED brings him home, now seven weeks old. November 8 he is baptized by his grandfather, making this day a triple anniversary. In 1927 was their "kitchen stove" declaration of love at Mrs. Foley's party. On that day ED commenced his largest canvas ever, the Composition with Still Life, 1933-1937.
1934 February 17, ED learns he to be on the government payroll at $30 a month. They move to an apartment, the Apjohn, 483 Commercial Street. A hard winter as all had chickenpox. May 2 is all well enough for a family trip to Sheldrake, returning to Provincetown on June 20. During the previous year, ED had felt less well than usual and on June 30 he went to Boston for a week's tests, returning to Provincetown July 7. No trouble found. Decision made to live next winter in Buffalo.

ED arrives in Buffalo on October 9; Pat and the children on October 11. The family lives in a cottage on Sawyer property. He uses EHS studio. He teaches Kimball Class for approximately 3 months for $50 a month.
1935 He teaches the Kimball class [?] and a Life class. At 11:00 pm, April 13, at Buffalo Central Station, he sees Howard for the last time. This date was always marked in his journal. Family goes to Sheldrake May 11 staying until June 27. That day they leave by car for Provincetown, and stop in Cazenovia for the night. There State Police find ED with news that Howard was murdered in Detroit, early that morning of June 27. Family to New Hartford, CT. Howard's burial, Pleasant Valley, CT, June 30. They arrive Provincetown at midnight July 1.

Howard's is the last of the shocking deaths in his family. The deaths of old friends always made him sad but even the deaths of very good friend did not bring him consuming grief. He mourned his father in 1951 and felt keenly the premature death of his nephew in 1968. When Tibi died in 1968 he ? ? was relieved her sufferings were over, but he grieved with a special sadness for she marked for him the end of an era; the nearing end of his own life.
1936 In Provincetown in January he begns an evening life class at home in the Hartman House. February 12 he and Pat go to New York to see his one-artist show of drawings at Passedoit Gallery. April 22 he left to do drawn portraits of the four sons of Mr. & Mrs. Bird, in Andover, New Haven, and New York. Home May 1. June 10-13 Constant had his tonsils out in Boston. Patty Rich there July 3- August 1. He had a few students and was elected Vice-President of the Art Association. In 1936 he moved into Days studio #10 which pleased him - it had been Hawthorne's. November 9 he shaved for last time.
1937 In January, February and April he meets EHS in New York about her Association of Collectors and Artists [?] He in Buffalo in May for Association exhibition and on May 11 goes to Rochester to see Marjorie & Carter. May 24 to Bradford, PA for portraits of Mr. & Mrs. Bird. May 27 to Buffalo then to Geneva and Sheldrake. June 15 in New York he has lunch with Uncle Charles & Aunt Nettie [Hughes} then to Provincetown June 17. May 31 Pat has moved to Cy Young's barn, 39 Pearl St. June 19 going to Europe is settled, he and Pat very excited - where to go first? October 10-17 Pat & children to Boston, Helen's tonsils out. November 9 Pat & children to Boston to see her mother, then to NYC November 19. He to NYC November 13. November 20 family sails for Rotterdam on German freighter, S/S. Ilsenstein. Arrival December 1 and December 2 in Paris. December 15 to Arles, and ED explores the coast for a warm place to live. Decides on Sanary/sur/mer and family goes there just after Chistmas to Hotel Beauport.
1938 January 11 they rent the.Villa Sinaia and settle into a regular life: painting, walking, learning French, exploring. Children hate the French schools so they don't go. They go to Italy April 7. They visit all the sights possible with two children and were in St. Peter's on Palm Sunday. ED saw Baths of Diocletian. April 13 Pat and children return to Sanary. ED goes to Florence, then Venice and arrives in Sanary April 17. Learns that Metropolitan Museum has purchased "Villa La Mouette" from his one-artist show at Passedoit Gallery. Congratulations pour in but Ansley's the best; "Good for the Metropolitan!" We leave Sanary for Paris May 30, and ED goes to Brittany to look for a house. July 3 we move to a stone farmhouse near Lancieux and lead a normal summer life; children enjoying the farm, and ED painting in the inland orchards as the wind blows too hard near the shore. He is in Paris August 12-18, and returns with frightening talk of the Czechoslovakian crisis. September 24, we left Lancieux for Britain without visas, from Dieppe to New Haven. ED decided we to be the last people through customs and we waited most of the night.. He stated his case for arriving without visas and produced his letter from Hull [?] Stimson [?]. British officials finally decided to admit us into the country. country. Americans were fleeing Europe in droves and we spend days in London waiting in seamship lines, while Constant and Helen begged to go to the zoo. We secured passage from Glasgow on the TSS Transylvania and sailed October 1 reaching Boston October 9. Having no home to go to, ED hired a taxi to take us to Provincetown to Pat's mother's on Cook Street. ED to Sheldrake October 9, and to Buffalo October 24. Back to Sheldrake and Pat and children arrive November 1. All to Buffalo to stay again in Sawyer cottage. Family to Buffalo November 11. November 18 Helen slightly ill, on November19 high fever, by November 23 know it is pneumonia. They anxious, by 26th she improving. December 2 pat gets a flour mill with which she hopes to earn by grinding whole wheat flour. December 7 says 5 more days before complication possibility for Helen is past. December 10 Consant now ill, fever and bad cough and on 12th Pat ill, bronchitis. Doctor says Helen not well enoug to stay in such a house of illness and she goes to live with EHS sister, Albertine Glenny. Constant getting better. Helen homefor Christmas day but couldn't see Pat. Then back to Glenny's. By December 31 Pat improving.
1939 January 23 ED goes to Rochester about his one-artist exhibition there, then sees his father, Carter and Marjorie. March 7 he begins teaching Art Institute of Buffalo. Most of that winter most of the family ill. By April 5 all four well, and he and Pat go to his opening in Rochester; all his family there. April 7 he to New York to hang Passedoit show. April 14 he to Baltimore, looking for a place to live, returns New York April 16, to Buffalo 17th. Pat and children sick and were. April 28th he to Rochester and back, sees his exhibition and family. May 6 children have whooping cough and Pat poorly. May 9 he rents a parsonage in Sheldrake for $7 a month. May 31 we go to Sheldrake for summer. He leaves for Provincetown August 2, there 4th, looking for a house. With Edie [Shay] finds Cove

Road house August 9, returns August 13-14. August 26-September 7, Pat's mother there. September 6, he and Pat decide on Wellfleet house. September 8 he and his father to Provincetown. September 11 took photos of house and swim by it. Waits to hear from Pat, they leave 15th for Sheldrake. October 11-18, he, his father, Luty and Tibi to Provincetown. He and Tibi stay in Cove house. We four leave October 21, evening arrival at Cove 22nd. Pat and children sick. October 27-31 his father and Luty there and Mrs. Foley at Edie's. He drawing steadily for Passedoit show. He to New York December 8-16.

In January working to make large upstairs room his "studio." He twice to Cambridge to teach Arnold Geissbuhler's two classes at Wellesley. April 4-15 he to New York for Passedoit show. May 14-19 three Waddells there. July 1, he to Centerville to his life class, twice a week until August 29 His father, Tibi and Hank there October 5-14, Tibi until 23rd. November 6-10 he to New York. November kitchen finished, water in the house, bathroom finished December 20, all thanks to Pat's mother. November 14 buys new land for studio, thanks to R. Parmenter, and 29th ground broken.. December 18 studio finished. Total sittings 1940; 116.
1941 January 2, he elected to Federation of Modern Painters and Scullptors. March 29 he to Boston, 30th- April 10 he in New York for his Passedoit show, home. On Mondays and Thursdays heand Pat paint in Brewster while Helen has music and dance lessons, July 3 - August 21. August 25-September 3 he in Sheldrake. October 2 begins his class at Stuart School of Design. October 11 Waddells there. October 12 to Sheldrake, Tibi's operation in Ithaca. To Boston to teach 16th, home 17th. As of October 23, he at Stuart School Thursdays and Fridays. October 30-31, he to New York for American First rally. November 4 got chicken house from Luther Weld, on 5th a flock of chickens, 13 Silver Spangled Hamburgs, from Jack Hall. December 23 he begins teaching a telegraphy class for Wellfleeters to help the war effort. Total sittings 1941; 172. Sold three paintings and one drawing (to Sawyers, $12).
1942 January 8-9 back to Stuart School. February 18-20 all to Boston. March 18 to Boston, 20th to New York for his show, 23rd home. March 27th meets Tibi in Boston, they to Wellfleet. April 15 Tibi leaves. May 18 Pat and Constant to Boston to see physicians. Constant a nose operation 20th, he and Pat home 21st. Stuart School closes. In May he and Geissbuhler planning their own school. June 10-11 he to Boston. September 3-10 he in Sheldrake. September 18, Pat and Constant to Boston to see his nose doctor. September 19-25 he in New York. October 2-3 he in Boston. His father there October 16-27. December 1-5 Pat in New York. Total sittings for 1942; 123. Six drawings (to Sawyers for and six paintings sold.
1943 In Wellfleet. January 1, he begins "Ruin at Daphne." April 25 he to Buffalo, to Sheldrake May 11, May 25 to NYC, June 1 to Wellfleet. June 10, they join the "Help the Children Committee Inc." In June eight paintings sent to MOMA's Romantic Art in America" show. October 22-29 his father there.November 16-23 Pat and Constant to Boston, he mostly in hospital. He had colitis about five months. December 18 he borrowed the Architecture of Ancient Rome from the Boston library. Cons now CED.
1944 In Wellfleet. He & Pat to NYC February 1, to Westport on 8th Wellfleet 9th. April 22 he in Worcester, 24 to Boston, 25th home. June 5, death of Marjorie Dickinson. June 7 he leaves for Pleasant Valley burial, return to Wellfleet 8th. Tibi and Carter came with him and stayed until June 16. June 29, he to New York. August 25 he to Wellfleet. September 4 whole family to New York. October 2 Pat begins work at the Hewitt School. ED joins Riverside Church. Constant goes to McBurney School and Helen to Horace-Mann-Lincoln. Sheldon Dick studies with ED. November 23-27 he in Wellfleet where hurricane had blown off our chimney and he packing more paintings for New York. December 1 he to his father's in Cortland, NY, to New York 5th. December 10-11 Carter there. Total sittings for 1944; 204.
1945 In New York. In Buffalo January 5 - 8, on to Sheldrake and Cortland, 9 to New York. March 15-18 he in Baltimore for a jury and Washington. March 27 he invited to teach at Cooper Union next year. April 23 he invited to teach at ASL next year. May 3-11 he in Wellfleet, preparing house to rent. May 18-26 Tibi there, On 26 he and Helen & Constant go with Tibi to Sheldrake. June 1 we to Wellfleet. He in Nantucket August 2-5. September 17 he and Helen to New York. Pat and Constant come 19th, Constantnow at Horace Mann-Lincoln. Begins year's teaching at Art Students League and Cooper Union; Tuesdays and Fridays at ASL, Mondays and Thursdays at Cooper. December 9, he at funeral of Aunt Nettie. Total sittings for 1945; 132.
1946 In New York. April 26-May 8 Tibi there. May 29, he, Helen and Contant to Wellfleet. June 26 Pat comes. September 6 he and Helen to Sheldrake, Carter there, 16th ED and Helen to New York. Also on 16th Pat and Constant arrive in New York. September 16 barn in Sheldrake burns to the ground; many drawings and paintngs lost and everything that Carter owned, as he livingin the barn loft. Begins the year's teaching at Art Students League and Cooper Union. October 12-14 Carter there before boarding ship for Japan. 16th Carter back, ship disabled. November 15, amicable parting from Passedoit Gallery, though he occasionally consigns work there until 1949. December 27-31, Pat and Constant in Wellfleet. Total sittings for 1946: 139.
1947 In New York. January 25 takes a studio. In March and June deaths of Mr. & Mrs. Groesbeck. March 31- April 12 Tibi there. In April sells five paintings. April 25 - he in Buffalo to draw the Hoyt House, it too cold so will finish it from a photograph. April 28-30 he in Sheldrake. May 30, he, Helen and Constant to Wellfleet. June 10 begins work on Hoyt House [finished 14 February 1948]. June 14 Pat there. June 22 he and Pat to New York, for Pat's curretage 23rd. June 24 he to Wellfleet. Pat to Hessian Hills, Croton, NY, to teach for summer. Pat comes July 3-6. He working on 60/48. July 13 - 16 he in Nantucket for his show. July 24 our house substantially burned by tenant, Dwight MacDonald. August 23 Pat home. [date] Katy Dos Passos killed. September 15 he and Helen to New York. September 20 he to Cortland to see his fathe, back on 22nd. September 20/21 Pat and Constant back. September 30, asked to teach two nights a week at Midtown School of Art, Wednesdays and Fridays. November 25 finally finds a suitable studio. November 29 to Jencks in Westport for Thanksgiving. Total sittings for 1947; 135.
1948 In New York. Has a private pupil. February 18, Sheldon Dick buys "Figures and Still Life" and "View of Toledo" and thirteen other paintings and five drawings. February 20, he and Constant to Cortland to his father's, and left 23rd. March 7 to Frick to hear Wanda Landowska. March 8 he to New York Public Library where went to the vaults and saw Beethoven's piano. March 25 they to Kuniyoshi opening at Whitney. March 27 they to Marjorie Bruce Hughes début. April 5 Sawyers there. April 113, 300 sittings on 60/48. Had back of his gold watch engraved "Domenicos The- otokopuli / El Greco / 1541 1614". April 15 elected An Associate of National Academy of Design. April 17-18 to Jencks in Westport. April 23 they to ASL ball. May 4 Israel Efros for supper and chess. May 11 they and Dick Parmenter to MOMA Bonnard openng. May 19 to Metropolitan to see Kaiser Fridrich Museum painting. Horace Mann-Lincoln closing; Constant goes to Friends Seminary; Helen's senior class is taught at Columbia's Teachers College. May 30 he and Constant to Wellfleet, met Helen on tthe way. See family and friends, he and Helen to big party at Nina's, June 5. June 14 Pat comes. June 27 Helen to Huntington, L.I., to be a counseller at a camp for underprivileged girls. Constant works in kitchen of Holiday House restaurant in Wellfleet. July 2, Elizabeth "Sandy" Dick born. July 30 he to Beachcombers Ball. August 1 PAA opening of his show in Hawthorne Gallery. August 5 sees a "beautiful Alfred Stephens?" at MFA Boston, then on to Sheldrake, back to Wellfleet 13th. August 11 Pat's mother a stroke in Provincetown at Isabel's. She unconscious and Pat, Edie and Isabel much occupied with her care. August 22 he to marriage celebration of Marjorie Windust and Nat Halper. August 24 Sandy's christening. August 28 death of Uncle Charles. Helen home from Long Island. Mrs. Foley's death September 11, funeral on 14th. Her six children there. September 16, he to New York, 19th Pat, Helen and Constant. October 15 - 18 he and Helen in Sheldrake. We four to Greens Farms for Thanksgiving, November 25. November 26 bought Jeepster in Bridgeport. Total sittings for 1948; 104.
1949 In New York. February 5, he and Carter to Cortland and Sheldrake, he to NY 7th. February 12, he, Pat and Constant to Westport until 14th. March 5-6 they in Westport. March 26-27 to Westport. March 29 - April 3 Pat and Constant in Provincetown & Wellfleet. May 27 Helen graduates Horace Mann- Lincoln High School. Tibi there May 27 - 31. June 8, he, Helen and Constant to Wellfleet by Jeepster. June 15 Pat came. Helen a counsellor at a camp on the Cape. June 30, death of Luty, Louise Walbridge Dickinson, b . ED to Shushan, NY for family service, July . July 2 all to Buffalo for funeral and burial on July 3. July 4, he and Tibi with their father to Sheldrake. July 9 he leaves for Wellfleet. August 15 his father comes until August 26. September 13 Helen leaves for Oberlin College. September 15, he to New York. Pat and Constant come September 19. October 1 he begins teaching at Brooklyn Museum School. October 22 he to Sheldrake where his father gravely ill. He lives and ED October 24 to New York. November 10 he awarded First Prize for Portraiture, the Evelyn Claire Lockman Prize, at the Natiional Academy of Design, for his "Self Portrait" 1949. November 23-27 to Westport for Thanksgiving. December 11-12 they to Westport. December 18, Helen home.
1950 In New York. In Westport January 1. January 2 Helen returns to Oberlin. January 20-22 they in Westport. February 14 he to Washington to give speech at American University, home 16th. To Westport 18-19. March 3-5 to Greens Farms. March 6-9 he in Sheldrake to see his father and Tibi. March 19 - 27 Pat and Constant in Wellfleet. April 2 - 9 Helen home. April 27 he elected as a full academician at National Acaemy of Design. June 7 he and Constant to Sheldrake. June 10 Helen there too. June 14 we three to Wellfleet. June 21 Pat comes. June 25 Helen a camp counsellor again. June 30 - July 1, he and Pat in Springfield trying to settle his cousin Bessie's estate. July 1 Pat to Wellfleet, he to Sheldrake. Got his father's power-of-attorney. July 4 he returns to Springfield and 5th to Wellfleet. July 9-10 in Springfield again. July 15 - 19 with Parmenters on Cape Poge. July 27, he to teach at Pratt Institute in fall. July 28 - 30 Pat away. September 15 Helen to Oberlin. He, Pat and Constant to New York on September 18. September 25 bean teaching a life class at Pratt. October 16-19 he in Sheldrake. November 3 - 5 they in Westport.November 21 Brooklyn Museum School offers two week day evening classes, and he will give up the Saturday one. November 23 - 26 he, Pat and Constant in Westtport for Thanksgiving. December 17 he and Pat hold a large cocktail party in the studio. December 21 Helen home.
1951 In New York. January 3 Helen returns to Oberlin. February 3-4 Pat and Constant to St. Davids. February 16 - 18 he, Pat and Constant in Westport. March 23 Pat and Constant in Wellfleet. March 30 - April 1 he in Sheldrake. April 1 Pat returns, April 7 Constant. Helen comes April 8 - 14. May 28 his father has a stroke, he to Sheldrake May 30, his father knows him. He arrives New York June 4. June 7 Helen comes. June 8 Constant graduates from Friends Seminary. His father failing, to Sheldrake late on June 8. Carter and Marie there. Early June 10 their father dies with Edwin and Tibi beside him. June 12 Pat, Helen Constant come. Evening family service at cottage. June 13 funeral in Geneva, burial in Buffalo. Pat leaves Buffalo for New York, others return to Sheldrake. June 15 ED, Helen, Constant drive to Wellfleet. June 18 Pat arrives. June 23 Helen a camp counsellor again. July 14 - 17 Pat in New York. July 14 - 18 he at Martha's Vineyard. He teaching at Raymond Moore Foundation, Dennis. September 12 Constant leaves for St. Lawrence University. September 14 Helen leaves for Oberlin. September 17 he and Pat to New York. September 21 he to Sheldrake and Pat to Wellfleet. September 24 they return. October 12 - 14 he to Churchville, Maryland. November 2 - 4 Constant there. November 21 - 23 to Westport for Thanksgiving. Constant there November 21 - 25. December 21 Helen and Constant home.
1950 Elected full Academician of National Academy of Design. Nephew Howard Carter and Marie Rose Pindat (b. 19..) married in Tokyo, 25 February.18 July, on Martha's Vineyard.
1952 In New York. January 2, Helen and Constant return to College. January 5 - 18 he with Tibi for her operation. January 26 - 29 Constant there. February 9-10 they in Westport. February 22 - 24 they in Maryland and Washington. March 23 - April 4 Pat in Wellfleet. April 6 Helen comes with Bob Baldwin. Constant there. April 8 Tibi and Hank arrive. Sawyers there. April 9 opening of his exhibition in "15 Americans" MOMA. April 11 - 13 Pat and Constant to Wellfleet. April 13 Helen and Bob return to Oberlin. April 14 Constant from Provincetown to college. April 25 - 27 Constant there. May 3 - 4 they in Westport. May 25 he to Du Mond Memorial show, he one of the ten students represented. June 1 Constant home. June 7 Helen home. .June 10 he and Helen sail on the Nelly. June 12 Pat and Constant to Wellfleet. June 19 arrive LeHavre, 20th to Paris. July 3 they leave Paris for Montignac to see the Grotte de Lascaux, left July 9 for Paris. July 15 Helen to London via Dieppe and New Haven. July 24 Pat leaves New York for Wellfleet. He to Zeebruggee ? And Helen met him on the pier. August 1 sailed on the Arosa Kulm. August 11 arrive Montreal and take train to Boston, Provincetowwn boat on 12th. August 15 Helen to Hartford, CT and returns to Wellfleet 25th. August 26 - 28 he to Martha's Vineyard. September 3 Bob came. September 6 Helen and Bob leave for New Hampshire visit with his family. September 13 Constant to college. September 15 he and Pat to New York. September 19, Sawyers will purchase and give the "Composition with Still Life" to MOMA. September 26 - 28 they in Wellfleet. November 8 - 9 they in Westport. November 26 Constant there. November 27 - 30 they three in Wellfleet. December 20 Helen and Constant come. December 21 Helen to New Haven, then she and Bob to Andover. December 24 he, Pat and Constant to Weellfleet. December 26 Bob comes. December 28 Bob and Helen announce plan to marry. December 29 - 31 he in New York.

Constant's graduation & grandfather's death !!!
1953 In Wellfleet. January 1 Helen and Bob to New Haven. January 3 three leave for New York. Helen to New York and then train for Oberlin. January 22 Constant in Oberlin. They to Westport January 24 - 25. February 21 - 23 he and Pat in Sheldrake. February 26 - March 2 Helen in New Haven. March 14 - 15 they in Westport. March 27 they and Bob to Oberlin. March 31 they with Helen and Bob to New York. April 1 - 6 Constant there. Helen leaves April 7. NAD Ranger Fund purchases "Carrousel Bridge." May 8, they dinner in New York with Bob and his parents. Consstant to Provincetown. June 28-29 medical test and small operation June 3rd. June 11 they able to go to Wellfeet. June 14 Helen and Bob married in Wellfleet house. June 20 a new infection, then slowly improving, but on 14th July still ill and to doctor. June 17 an abcess removed, home the 24th. Fever continues and rises, 29 return to hospital until August 7. August 6 the Sawyers there. August 28 Helen there. August 31 He, Pat and Helen to New Haven and they return to Wellfleet. September 8 he to Nantucket. September 11 to Martha's Vineyard, and 12th to Wellfleet. September 14 Constant to college and they to New York. September 20 they to New Haven to see Helen. October 2 Helen comes, then Bob.November 25 Constant comes and he and they to Provincetown. Constant to college 28th, they on 29th. December 5 - 6 they in Westport. December 19 Constant to Wellfleet, Pat the 20th. December 24 he on train and Bob and Helen boarded at New Haven, all to Welfleet.
1954 In Wellfleet. January 2 all leave Wellfleet, Pat to hospital in New York. January 3 Constant to college. January 4 Pat operation, all fine, 6th home. January 14, death of Pat's brother-in-law, Frank Shay, in Wellfleet. February 6 he elected to Century Association. February 26 - March 1 he in Sheldrake. March 20- April 3 Pat and sister Edie to Winter Park. April 9 - 19 Constant there. May 26, awarded a grant by the National Institute of Arts and Letters. April 30 - May 1 they to St. Davids. May 28 - 31 he to Wellfleet. June 12 he to Wellfleet. June 15 Pat comes. June 18, "Ruin at Daphne" sold to Metropolitan. May 21 declines offer of a perspective class at Pratt. July 4 -7Pat in New York. July 30 - August 2 in New York. August 16 - 31 Helen and Bob there. September 3 Constant arrives. September 7 - 9 he on Martha's Vineyard. September 14 they to New York. September 17 - 19 he in Wellfleet. October 2 - 3 they in St. Davids. October 14 - 17 he in Sheldrake. November 24 - 28 they to Canton, NY to see Constant. December 3 - 5 Helen and Bob there. December 23 - 27 he, Pat and Constant in Sheldrake, Helen and Bob in Andover. December 29 he and Pat to Wellfleet. Constant comes.
1955 In Wellfleet. January 1 Constant returns to college. January 3 he and Pat to New York. February 12 - 13 Helen and Bob there. March 5 - 6 they to Albany/Troy to see Constant. March 18 Pat to Florida. Constant there April 2 - 11. April 3 Pat returns. April 30 - May 1 they in Westport. May 7 - 8 to Westport. May, Bob graduaates Yale Drama School with an M.F.A. June 3 - to Sheldrake, then Tibi with them to Canton for Constant's graduation, return to Sheldrake with Constant 5th and to New York 6th., then he and Constant to Wellfleet. June 21 Pat arrives. July 22 - 25 Helen and Bob come, then to Andover. August 2 Bob drafted into the Army, Helen comes August 3. August 6, he, Pat and Edie to Martha's Vineyard, he to Parmenters, they home, and he August 8. August 28 - 30 Pat in New York. Helen to New Haven September 4. September 13 Pat to New York, he on 18th. October 2 he to Buf- falo for Ansley Sawyer's funeral. Late on 3rd he to Sheldrake, in New York on 5th. October 21 he and Pat to Wellfleet, return 23rd. November 7 Constant inducted into Navy. November 17 - 20 he in Sheldrake. November 24 - 27, they in Wellfleet. December 1 he receives Century Association medal for art. December 9 - 11 Helen there. December 20 Constant came, 22 he and Pat to Wellfleet, 23 Helen and Constant come, Bob comes. December 28 Helen, Bob and Constant to Andover, 31st Constant returns. Helen and Bob to New Haven.
1956 In Wellfleet. January 2, he, Pat and Constant to New York. January 4, Hank another slight stroke.January 27 Helen comes and they three leave for Bainbridge, MD for Constant's Navy graduation exercises. January 29 three home and Constant to his ship. February 9 - 13 he in Sheldrake. March 24 Pat to Tampa, 27th she in Key West, April 3 in Fort Myers, home April 8. April 19, resigned from Century Association. May 4 - 6 they in Wellfleet. May 23 heinducted into Art Department of the National Institue of Arts and Letters. May 30 - June 3 he and Helen in Sheldrake. June 6 - 11 they and Helen in Wellfleet. June 13 they and Constant see Helen sail to Germany for a year. June 17 he to Wellfleet, 19 Pat arrives. August 6 they to Skowhegan. August 11 - 15 Pat on a trip. September 1 they to Wellfleet. September 15 they go to New York. September 20 - 24 he in Sheldrake. November 22 - 25 they in Provincetown and Wellfleet. December 21 - they in Florida, see the Parmenters.
1957 In Fort Myers, FL January 1 to Winter Park. January 3 - 5 home to New York. Grandson David Graham Baldwin born Stuttgart, Germany, January 12. January 22 Pat's ankle broken. January 31 he to Sheldrake, to New York February 3. February 11 he to Buffalo, a jury. February 23 he to Sarsota, a jury. March 29 he to Sheldrake, home 31. May 31 he to Sheldrake, to New York on 9th. June 12 to Wellfleet. July 6 they to New York. July 8 they to Idlewild to pick up Helen and David. July 9 Bob discharged from army. July 11 Pat's hysterectomy. July 14 Baldwins to South Hadley Falls and on to farm. July 17 he to Wellfleet. July 23 he to New York, 24th they to Wellfleet. July 31 Constant discharged from navy. August 8 Baldwins there. August 9 Glen Eyrie sold. August 21, David's christening. August 23 Baldwins to to Andover. By September 9 Baldwins in Nashville. September 13 they to New York. October 13 - 15 he in Baltimore and Washington, had learned of Cove destruction. October 18 - 20 in Sheldrake. October 21 Cove work stopped. October 22 he to Boston and back. Octobber 8 to Ithaca for his Cornell exhibition and Visiting Professor. December 15 he to Sheldrake, 16th to New York. December 24 they to Wellfleet/Provincetown.
1958 In Provincetown. January 3 to New York. January 29 he elected a Vice President of National Institute of Arts and Letters. He awarded the Second Altman Landscape Prize by National Academy of Design. March 14 -17 he in Sheldrake. March 27 they to Houston, TX for his retrospective exhibition at the Cushman Gallery. April 1 they to Nashville, April 3 to New York. In May the Whitney buys "The Fossil Hunters." May 28 his last "crit" at Brooklyn after 8 years, he having resigned. May 30 - June 3 he in Sheldrake. June 12 to Wellfleet. June 17 - 19 he in Boston to see attorney regarding devastation at Cove. June 28 they to Skowhegan. July 26 they leave for Baldwins in NH. July 27 to Boston. Learns he has tuberculosis, August 7 to Wellfleet for a month of medication, then surgery September 9, for removal of upper part of right lung. August 12 Baldwins leave for Nashville, and Dick Parmenter came. Septembeer 8 he to hospital with Constant, Pat to New York, returns 10th, operation September 11. Paat has to return to New York for her teaching, Constant sees him every day. Pat comes September 26. October 4 leaves hospital, and they go to New York. October 11 Dick Parmenter there. November 15 Steven Carter Baldwin born in Nashville. ED continues slowly to get well.
1959 In New York. February 10, he receives grant of $10,000 from Ford Foundation. March 6-7 he and Pat in Boston for his exhibition. March 19-23 he in Sheldrake. April 7 he awarded The Brandeis University Creative Arts Award medal. May 8-11 he in Sheldrake. May 20 he presents George Grosz with the gold medal of the .............................. He resigns from the Federation of Modern Painters and Sculptors. June 4-6 Helen, Bob, David, Steven there. June 11-114 he in Sheldrake. June 16-July 1 he and Pat in Wellfleet. June 21, they with Pat's sister Edie, to Steven's christening in Dighton, MA. July 2 sail for Europe aboard freighter, M/S Tekla Torm. July 15 in Casablanca, took a car to Ritat for day. July 16 Tangier, 18th Alger, Algeria, 20th arrive Genoa, in hotel in Pisa for night, 21st on to Florence, 22nd in Genoa. Jully 25, arrive Piraeus, 26th to Athens. Early July 28 in Alexandria, 30th in Beirut and car to Baalbek, and Byblos. July 31 to Lattakia, swim from the city beach. August 1 ashore, visit the native kasbah. Ship turns west, August 5 in Messina, they go to Taormina, August 6 arrive Leghorn, 7th they to Pisa for day. August 8 to Genoa, they to Nervi and Flirio, August 9 leave Genoa for San Felin, 11th day in the town, on to Alicante, day in town the 13th, 14th through Straits of Gibraltar to Casablanca, 15th ashore to a friend's home, 17th in Lisbon, arrive New York August 27th. August 29-31 in New Hampshire with the four Baldwins. September 1 to New York, 2nd to Wellfleet, 12th to New York. September 25-28 he in Sheldrake. October 24-26 he and Pat in Atlanta for Waddell presentation of his work to Clark University. October 30-November 2 he in Ithaca and Sheldrake. December 13-16 he in Sheldrake. December 20-26 he and Pat in Nashville with Baldwins.
1960 In New York. January 22-25 he in Sheldrake. March 18-21 he in Sheldrake. March 25-30 he and Constant in Wellfleet. April 29-May 1 he in Buffalo for a jury. May 16, grandson John Baldwin born. May 27-30 Pat in Nashville with Helen and her family. June 1-10 he in Sheldrake. June 15-23 he in Sheldrake. June 16 Pat to Wellfleet, he there 24th. July 9-12 he and Pat at the 5 Baldwins, in New Hampshire. July 12 to South Hadley, MA to Carter and Marie. July 13 to New York. July 15 they board the M/ Hollandia. July 15 they pass by the Azores, 22nd, Pico and Terceiera, 26th, Gibraltar, 29th, Naples and they to Herculaneaum, 31st to Tripoli, August 2 they walk at Patras, then through Corinth Canal, 3rd to Athens and they to Sounion. August 4 on the Athens Acropolis, 7th to Salonika, 8th to Istanbul, 10th to Derenice, 13th to Athens stay some days; 13th they to Delphi, 15th in Athens, 16th Pat into Piraeus, 17th to Athens, 19th to Athens and Daphni, 21st to Elefis, 22nd to Acropolis, 23rd to Athens, 24th left Greece, 26th arrive Naples, they to Pompeii, 29th ashore at Genoa, 30th to Livorno, they to Pisa and Lucca, 31st to Olbia, Sardinia; September 1 arrive Cartagena, 5th leave for New York, arrive 16th. September 30-October 3 he in Sheldrake.
1961 In New York. January 7-8, he and Robert Graham to Wellfleet to get paintings for the retrospective. January 31-February 5 Helen and Bob there for retrospective. March 3-6 Tibi there March 11 Carter and Marie there. April 7, he presented with Creative Arts Award, a citation and medal, from Brandeis University. June 2 receives Honorary D.F.A. from Pratt Institute. May 24, he inducted as one of the fifty members of the American Academy of Arts and Letters. June 20 to Wellfleet. June 21-July 26 Helen and family there. July 9 John's christening. July 10 he and Pat to Nantucket to join Waddells on their yacht. July 10, he elected a Benjamin Franklin Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, London. July 15 they and Waddells to Wellfleet. August 26-29 they to the Baldwins in NH. September 6-8 at Cape Poge with Parmenters. September 15 he to Sheldrake, Pat comes 18th, they to New York 24th. October 3-8 they in Wellfleet. October 16 they sail on S/S Queen Frederica to begin their year of leave-of-absence from teaching. October 24 a stop at Malaga, they ashore, 27th short stop at Naples, 28th arrive Piraeus. December 12, death of Catherine Hughes Waddell. December 17, death of Edith Foley Shay.
1962 In Athens. January 13-18 they to Corinth, Nauplia, Mycenae, Argos, Tiryns, Epidauros, Sparta and Mistras. February 17-19 to Mykonos, Delos. February 21 to Old Corinth. Februay 29 they and EHS to Hosios Lucas. March 4-7 they to Pirgos, Olympia, gothic church of Hagia Sophia in the country, cathedral at........ March 21, they sail from Piraeus to Alexandria, on to Cyprus, Beirut, 25th Pat to Athens. March 25th he and EHS to Baalbek, 27th to Lattakia, Syria, 28th to Aleppo, [a coup closes Syrian borders for 3 days], 29th to Ugarit, 30th to Turkie, Antoich, to Iskendrum, 31st to Adana, EHS to Kayarri ?, he on to Ankara. April 2 in Belikesir, 3rd in Smyrna, 5-6 Smyrna to Piraeus, 7th in Athens. 16th EHS there. April 22 he sails on S/S/ Olympia, 24th stop in Naples, May 1 in Halifax, 3rd in New York. May 11-22 in Sheldrake (Tibi had had a stroke). May 24 he inducted into American Academy of Arts and Letters. May 28-June 20 he in Sheldrake. June 11 Pat sails on S/S/ Queen Frederica. June 23 he meets her in New York. July 4th ? they to Wellfeet. July 6-24 Helen and family there. August 15-17 he on Vineyard. September 4 they to New York. September 7-16 he in Sheldrake, Carter and Marie there briefly. September 22-24 he to Carter and Marie's in South Hadley, MA. Tibi in Geneva hospital. October 12-15 he in Sheldrake. October 31-November 1 he in Wilmington. November 21-24 they in Baltimore. December 5 he awarded the Benjamin West Clinedinst Memorial Medal by Artists Fellowship Inc. December 6-7 he at Vassaar, Poughkeepsie, NY. December 28- they in Washington, DC. Pat to NY 31st.
1963 In Washington, DC and to New York, January 1. January 25-28 he in Sheldrake. March 17-30 Pat in Greece. March 22- 25 he in Sheldrake. April 7-10 he in New Haven, for lecture, class criticisms.

He becomes a Chubb Fellow of Timothy Dwight College, Yale University. April 26-29 he in Sheldrake. June 7-13 he in Sheldrake. Constant and Nancy Constance Snider (b. August 12, 1940) married June 22 in New York. June 23 he and Pat to Paris to visit Helen and her family. June 28 he and Pat to Athens. July 11-12 they to Aegina and Marathon. July 17-18 to island of Euboea. July 31- August 2 they to Zenia, Bassae, Mycenae. August 25 sail on S/S Queen Anna Maria: to Naples, through the Strait of Gibraltar and on to Halifax September 4th and New York the 5th. October 17-20 to Ithaca and Sheldrake. November 10-15 he to New Haven for citicisms and publication of his book. December 13-16 he in Interlaken or Sheldrake ? December 23-30 they in Nashville with Baldwins.

Elected to the Royal Society of Arts, London.

1964 In New York. February 7-10 he in Sheldrake. February 21-24 they in Washington, DC. March 11-25 they in Nashville for Helen's surgery. April 11-13 he in Sheldrake. May 8-11 he in Sheldrake. May 20-24 he in Sheldrake. May 26-29 he in Boston for the Festival opening ? June 5 they sail for Athens on S/S Zion, June 14 arrive Gibraltar, 16th in Naples, 17th off Stromboli, June 18 arrive Piraeus. June to Kalamata, Argos, 25th to Plios, 26th into the Mani, 27th in Xenia,, 28th to Erithoni ?, and return to Athens. July 5-6 they to Euboea. July 17-20 they to Skirthos. July 31-August 2 they to Delphi and Meteora. September 2-4 they to Jannina. September 10 they fly to New York. October 21-24 he in Sheldrake and Springfield, MA, with Carter and Marie to settle Tibi and Hank near them. October 31-November 1 they with Constant and Nancy to her father's in State College, PA. November 25-28 he ? In Washington, DC. December 20-21 he in Springfield. December 24-31 they in Nashville.
1965 In New York. January 7 he lectures at Columbia University. March 17 he lectures at Hartford University. March 23-29 grandson David Baldwin visits. April 18?-19 he to Shushan to see Tibi and Hank. May 21-23 he and Denver Lindley to Wellfleet to get work. June 8 he awarded the Brevoort- Eichmeyer Prize, $1000, given every five years. June 4-7 Baldwins in New York. June 10 they sail for Piraeus aboard TSS Olympic, [or Queen Anna Maria ?] June 15 stop in Lisbon, June 18th in Naples, 20th at Palermo, 22nd arrive Piraeus. July 1-4 they to Volus, Mt. Pelion, to a pre-Minoan villlage. July 19-24 they to Rafina, 22nd in Evvia. September 4 sail for New York, aboard TSS Olympic. September 5 in Malta, 8th Gibraltar, 9th Lisbon, September 16 arrive New York. October 16-20 Helen and Bob join him and Pat, Constant and Nancy for Whitney Retrospective opening, October 19-November 28. December 22-23 he in Geneva with Tibi. December 27-29 they to Washington, DC.
1966 In New York. January 8 his exhibition in Chicago opens. He is elected Honorary Member of the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. February 10- he to Washington. March-30 they in Greece. March 26, Sarah Elizabeth Dickinson born, New York. March he and Pat plan retirement. April 20 they to Philadelphia for opening, April 21-May 29, his exhibition at The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. May 6- Helen and Steven in New York. May 26, teaches last class at ASL. June 2 Pat's last day at The Hewitt School. June 12-July 12, his exhibition in Katonah, NY. June 15 they go to Wellfleet. June 20-July 3 the Baldwins there. ?-August 7, Constant, Nancy, Sarah there. ?-August 8 Baldwins there. August 13 he to Nantucket ? September 4 Dickinsons there ? To NY when? September 20 they sail for Greece on the T.S.S. Queen Anna Maria. September 28 ashore in Malaga. September 30 Naples. October 1 Palermo, 2nd Malta. ??? arrive Piraeus. October 13 they to Epidauros, 14th Nauplion, 16th Delphi, 19th Athens ?

Awarded Honorary D.F.A, Philadelphia College of Art.
1967 In Athens. January 15 they to Salamis. March 9 ? They to Chios. March 31 they fly to London. April 5 they to Stonehenge and Salisbury. April 13 they to Canterbury. April 15 they sail from Southampton on the S.S. Statendam.April 22, arrive Halifax, 24th arrive New York. April 29 he to Bloomfield Hills, MI, for Elizabeth Hughes Gossett gift of his 1923 portrait of her father to Oakland University. they to Wellfleet. By July 3 Baldwins there. August 3-September 4 his PAA show. September 16- Carter and Marie there. October 15 they to New York in a hurry as he has glaucoma and cataracts. October 25 glaucoma operation, discharged 29th. November 21-25 they in Geneva with Tibi. November 30, Carter's operation for cancer. December 19-25 they in Nashville.
1968 In New York. January 26, Death of Henry Van Sickle in Geneva, burial in Interlaken. January 27-29 they with Tibi in Geneva and to funeral in Interlaken. February 15 they sail for Piraeus aboard the T.S.S. Olympia. .February 20 stop in Lisbon, 22nd pass by Gibraltar, 23rd in Naples, 26th arrive Piraeus. March 23 they to Evvia. May 26, Tibi's death in Geneva, funeral and burial Interlaken, Carter, Marie and Helen there. June 16 they sail to Italy, 17th arrive Bari, 18th to Venice for the Venice Biennale for which ED is the principal American painter. June 24th they sail aboard the S/S/ Cristoforo Columbo from Venice via Piraeus, 26th arrive Palermo, 27th Naples, July 6 in Halifax, July 8th arriveNew York. July 9th they to Carter and Marie's, 10th to Wellfleet, the Baldwins there. August 5 Baldwins leave. September 7 death of Carter from cancer. September 10- they in South Hadley with Marie. September 12 burial in Virginia. November 5/6 ? They to New York. November 9 Constant, Nancy, Sarah arrive from Tokyo. December 19-20 they in Washington, DC for opening of show from the Biennale.
1969 In New York. January 18-21 the Baldwins in New York. January 25 they board S/S Cristoforo Columbo for Piraeus. Before February 13 they are in Athens. Andrew Burgess Dickinson born May 27 in New York. March 4-8 Pat in Macedonia. March 23-25 they on a trip including the Ionian Sea. April 15 they sail aboard the Queen Anna Maria. April 21 pass Gibraltar, April 26 in Halifax, 27th arrive New York. By May 7th they in Wellfleet. May 27, Andrew Burgess Dickinson born in New York. May 31? they to New York to see Andrew. May 31they to Sheldrake to empty Tibi's house. June 10 to Wellfleet. By July 24 the Baldwins there, John Baldwin there a week earlier [or in 1970?] By August 18 the Dickinsons there and left September 3. August 21 Helen and her three boys in Wellfleet for two days. December 4 they to New York.

[By this year ED ill]
1970 In New York. January 23 they sail aboard the T.S.S. Cristoforo Columbo for Piraeus. January 24 in Boston, 30 in Lisbon, 31st in Malaga, February 2 in Naples, 3rd in Palermo, arrive Piraeus February 4th. February 8, Pat to Poros, 9-16 they in Poros, 14th they to Troezen. February 21, they fly to Xania, Crete. February 26 they to St. Nicolas and Heraklion, March 3 return Athens. April 19 Pat to Thebes and Lavadia. April 30 they return to New York on the Queen Anna Maria, ashore at Messina, May 4th past Gibraltar, 10th in Halifax, arrive New York May 11. May 18 to Wellfleet ??? July 12 Dickinsons to New York. August 7 John Baldwin comes, August 15, Helen, David and Steven come, and all leave August 28. November 26 they to Lorentzens in Greenwich, CT and to Dickinsons? 27/28 to New York? December 4-7 they in Nashville. December 11 they board Cristoforo Columbo for Piraeus. December 17 in Lisbon, 18th in Malaga, 20th in Naples, 21st Messina, December 22 arrive Piraeus.
1971 In Athens. January 17 they to Argos. January 31 they to meeting of Ionian Sea and Gulf of Corinth. Februay 15-24 they in Yugoslavia. To Naxos for Easter, April 16-20. Sailed for New York May 17 on Cristoforo Columbo: stops in Trieste, Naples, Lisbon and Halifax, arrives New York, May 29. June 5, they to Riverside to see the four Dickinsons' new house, they move there the 14th. June 10 to Wellfleet. Steven there in summer. August 9-17 the Baldwins there. September 10 they drive to New York. October 2 they to Wellfleet, having given up the New York apartment. December 11, they to Nashville. To Riverside December 20 and fly to Athens December 24.
1972 In Athens. April 5 Helen and Bob come to Athens and all travel to Peleponnesus. May 24 they fly to Boston. August 15 they to Baldwins in NH and to North Hero. October 8 he a cerebral hemorrage in Wellfleet, Helen there for a week.
1973 April his right eye cataract operation in Boston, return to Wellfleet April 30. Awarded Honorary D.F.A. in Wellfleet by The Maryland Institute, College of Art. Ryder House exhibition. August 10 Dick Parmenter came. November 17 they fly to Athens from New York.
1974 They fly home from Greece May 6. June 19 he has his left eye cataract operation in New York.
1975 In Wellfleet. January 23 they fly to Athens. ED walking difficulties increase and he has much physical therapy there, to no avail. Only after his death is it realized he has, for years, had Alzheimer's, a disease becoming known only in 1978. May 27 they return to Wellfleet his work held at Provincetown Art Association, August -. They to Riverside for Christmas.
1977 In Wellfleet. Burchfield Center, Buffalo, exhibition, Pat and Helen at opening. Pat to Athens November 7-December 1. December 18 they move from their house by the Cove to a small, but much warmer house across from the studio, purchased by Pat in 1976.
1978 In Wellfleet. Helen to Wellfleet in March. By April, Pat no longer able to care for him and he moves to Orleans Convalescent Home. Pat is there every day. In summer Helen and Bob visit before going to France for a year. David and Sara visit. October 11 Jack and Wally Tworkov host a birthday luncheon for him. Thanksgiving Constant and his family with him. By chance both John and Steven Baldwin come to visit. Evening of December 1 Pat is told he is dying and she spends the night with him until his death in the early morning of December 2. Constant arrives that day, his family a little later. December Helen and Bob arrive from France. David and financée, Sara, arrive December . Morning of December 7? Pat, his children and grandchildren scatter his ashes. In the afternoon a memorial service is held at the Provincetown Art Association. Pat dies in Nashville, June 1, 1996. September her family scatters her ashes in same place as his and a memorial service is held in Wellfleet.