Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden

Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden
Smithsonian Institution
7th Street and Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, DC
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Click image to enlarge; click work's title for complete information.
Reclining Figure, 1947 (1063)
Tom Never's Head, 1933 (216)
Villa in the Woods, 1938 (295)
Quarry, Riverdale, 1953 (538)
St. Tropez, 1920 (570)
Paul Rohland, 1917 (87)
Hawthorne Garden, 1935 (901)
Constant in Bed, 1936 (913)
Nude #5, Shoulder, 1936 (920)
Antoinette, 1919 (94)
Sleeping Woman, 1939 (973)